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  • emersonharrop

Tracking the Camera

Updated: Apr 26, 2022

The first shot that was tracked, was the bridge shot. After Effects' tracking was attempted but that didn't go to well with this shot as the tracking points were being detected at distances meaning the points weren't flat which meant that it couldn't be used as the camera hadn't tracked properly.

Since After Effects wouldn't track the footage properly, the next thing was to try Blender. This method was much better, simply because its far more accurate than After Effects as the tracking points can be manually placed and then tracked instead of the computer having to detect everything itself which is part of the problem After Effects has.

After the footage had been tracked, it had to be set to the correct orientation which is simply done by selecting three of the tracking points on the wall and then hitting wall in the orientation menu on the left. From there, it needed to be exported from Blender using a plug in and exporting the camera and the python script and pasting it into the unreal scene.

Like with the first piece of footage, After Effects was attempted here again but this time, it was actually able track really nicely.

However, the software of choice was still Blender simply due to the plug in that allows the camera to be directly exported into Unreal unlike the After Effects way which would have had to been exported into 3DS first then Unreal which is a much more complicated and longer process.

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