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  • emersonharrop

Modelling the Piano

Like most things with modelling, reference images had to be gathered to help model an accurate piano. The three images below were the ones which were mostly used to help inspire the one with in the scene. When modelling the piano, one thing that was researched was the number of keys a Piano has as well as the accurate layout of a keyboard. Doing this researched informed that a standard piano has a total of 88 keys, 52 of them white and 36 of them black which was something that was replicated on the piano in the animation.

The most interesting part about modelling the piano wad making the sculpted details in the corner of the square patterns which was done by grabbing an image of a patter to be used (as seen in the image below on the right) and making sure that the pattern was white and the background was black. Taking it into Zbrush, loading it up as an alpha and under the alpha dropdown tab (and after adjusting the resolution and smooth settings etc under the "make 3D" sub menu) hitting the make 3D button. This then turned the alpha image into a 3D object, however, the problem with that was that the polycount was incredibly high. But this was quickly remedied by simply going to geometry, Zremesher and hitting the remsher button to reduce the polycount until it was at a more appropriate number.

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