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  • emersonharrop

Making the Environment

To create the environment, simply create a plane and give it 100 segments going across the width and the length and add a displacement modifier. Also add turbosmooth and gave it 2 iterations to smooth it off. Then delete the parts of the plane which cant be seen from the camera angles (to reduce the polygon count). Once that is done, scatter some trees and foliage around the place. To do this get the foliage which will be used (when its been modelled or downloaded) and create a CoronaScatter and use that tool to scatter the foliage around the plane. Make sure to apply the noise material that was used on the plane's displacement modifier in the scatter surface map so that the foliage will be scattered over the hills and not in the valley parts where a water could go to create a lake which is made using a plane and noise modifiers (I covered how I made water when covering how I made my swimming pool).

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